Pixar's latest animated film Inside Out has taken the world by storm. The movie, about five tiny emotions that live inside a person's head, has swept box offices across the world with its portrayal of how the human psyche is controlled by the interplay of five emotions, and how these emotions control how people act in the real world. As a counsellor, I was drawn by the interesting premise of the movie; so I took Sue to watch it on her birthday, as part of her getaway day in Johor Bahru, Malaysia. To our horror, the characters started speaking in Cantonese... and there were no subtitles! So that was how we had the most romantic experience of watching our first Cantonese movie together... (For the curious and uninitiated, you can view the Cantonese trailer here . Do also note that the post contains spoilers for those who have yet to watch the movie! ) Official Poster of Inside Out . Photo credits: http://pixartimes.com/ Language notwithstanding, both of us enjoyed the mo...
This is a story of our parenting journey. We became parents by Purpose, on purpose. It is our heart to continue this journey in a purposeful posture; and to bring up our children so that they will know and understand their purpose in life.